Cross the Bridge to a Whole New World

Step forward trusting your inner guidance

Move from Fear to Freedom

Supported by others Bridge WalkersĀ 

Co creating in CommUNITY led by Spirit

Bridge Walkers Co-Create the World they wish to Experience

We allow spirit to guide us co creating collaborating together with results beyond our imagination. Together in CommUNITY we see ourselves more clearly remembering who we are.


A World beyond your Vision awaits

Meet White Warrior (aka Frederick Soucy) Discover what you don't know that you don't know

Meet White Warrior and other Bridge Walkers

Get on the invite list. We have weekly and monthly calls depending on your level of participation in the CommUNITY. We look forward to meeting you face to face at our Spring Event April 18-21.

Join the Spring Clearing Co Creating Celebrating Weekend

Spirit is leading us to create a Turtle Lodge for healing transformation. A place where we all remember who we are and how we can all heal from the inside out.










What if a gentle wave of energy could reset your inner fire like updating your software on your phone or computer? Integrating consciousness in minutes? Would you want to experience IT?

Spirit give us the Gifts

At a very young age I was wanting to put my hands on people when I drove by car accidents. I knew no one else like me. Then I met Elder Dr. Dave Courchene ā€” Nii Gaani Aki Innini (Leading Earth Man who recognized me. Meet Greg

Book a time with Greg

Face to face, online, 1:1 or a group Greg is available to transform your energy in minutes.

A Circle of Unity

Each point of the circle is the same distance from the centre. Each has a different perspective. All are needed for the whole to clearly receive a greater vision beyond our limitations of self. If this calls to you then become a bridge walker with us to a whole new world.

Walk with 'T-ikhalsin

Ancient Wisdom has many gifts for us all. Mother Earth provides for all our needs naturally. Annie is here to guide you in remembering how the land provides. Find more here:


Start your walk with 'T-ikhalsin now

Yes I want to learn the ancient wisdom Join the other bridge walkers in CommUnity

Expand your Inner Fire

Ever had the experience that the fire you are wanting to light just isn't catching on? Our fire is only growing. Lets us spark your flame so together we are one light like NAKUSET giving life to all around.

Say Yes! I AM a Bridge Walker too!!

Breakdown leads to Breakthrough

Like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly transformation is happening to you. It can be scary leaving what is known behind. Trust the process. One moment. One step. One day at a time. Open to more joy health peace love wealth. Get support as your wings develop. Soon you will fly. Total Freedom. Living from the Heart.

Bridge Walker Blog Posts

It's important to share perspectives, as one perspective may NOT resonate with you, yet another one does fully. Check in with your guidance. Are you being led to expand your I AM presence here with us.


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