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A Technique for Releasing Traumas

#forgive #grateful #heartwalkers #ho'opononpono #ho'oponoponoprayer #release Sep 28, 2021


This is the beauty of connecting all the HEART WALKERS.  

Together we rise to a new vibe knowing that so called "issues" are opportunities to let go and step forward in faith, trusting the process watching the miracles be revealed.

When each of us stays true to our hearts desired visions

It makes us radiate the feeling of abundance, then we are sending out a vibe of love light rippling across the planet.

We no longer dwell on political negatives items from the old past world. 

Maintain focus on manifesting the abundantly positive NEW Gaia. 

Heart Walkers is all about manifesting our fantastic future by working in the present as we are today. 

Releasing ALL past traumas through forgiveness to ALL in order to achieve peace.

In order to release you must process each trauma by



Learning from them and Accepting,

Now Truly forgive.  Repeat the Ho'oponopono Prayer until you find relief.

Be thankful.  You are here because of all your experiences, 

Imagine the trauma is a piece of paper in your hand,

crumple it up in a ball,

drop it on the ground and walk past it never looking back.

Together we are now leaving all the traumas in the past.

 I AM so it is.

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