Remember when you put a shirt on inside out as a kid or even backwards!?!
You were so proud that you dressed yourself. Then your mom, or another care giver, gently helped you removed it and put it on the "right way."
What if all these "right ways" have actually been the "wrong ways?"
After all what is "right?" Isn't is just one person's, one group's perception, one country's perception that has become ingrained as a truth?
Just pause for a moment, and be with that question, instead of spitting out an answer like you need to be the quickest, smartest, fastest on the game show.
Who is anyone to tell us what is "right" for each of us?
So here we are in 2020. We have a world where the aging populations have lived within a context of doing things "right" their whole life, and a younger populations that just keeps hitting the key pad, searching for answers, and wanting to do things differently. Are they "wrong?"
These ideas of "right" and "wrong" are addressed in all conversations these days relating to "inside out."
It is the experience of discovering that thoughts and beliefs that you have "inside" your head are actually responsible for what you are experiencing on the "outside."
Your mind, is like a super computer filled with multi sensory information that it stores in what is called your subconscious mind. It is responsible for all the habits you have, and keeps you living in a box of limited perceptions.
Your heart, science has discovered and researched for over 40 years, is actually your super brain. It sends more messages to your brain than your brain to your body through the vagus nerve. It is connected and resonates with the earth's frequencies.
When many people come together, in prayer or mediation with the same coherence (a calm vibe), they are actually affecting the world.
Real power comes from the Inside and transforms the Outside.
The study of epigenetics clearly shows the thought you think, the emotions you entertain, affect your DNA. Yes you can change your genetic blueprint NOW, by changing the way you look at life. It's all inside you!
That's all I have been doing is helping people move from their mind to living in their heart, true freedom, by healing from the inside out.
I share on the Inside Out Wellness Podcast with Katie Hardy, how trusting your intuition, your inner guidance, your gut instinct will guide you to more joy, better health, more peace, deeper love, and abundant wealth.
Inner guidance is an inside job, isn't it?
The world of opinions, of listening to experts, is an outside job like your mom, helping you put your shirt on the "right" way.
2020 is the perfect example of the world is healing from the inside out. Everyone is clearly seeing, in their own time, what hasn't been working in their lives. Time to pause, can lead to new thoughts of what's truly important to someone. The "right" that they were taught can come into question.
For instance is democracy really freedom, when many of us are being told we are "wrong" or censored for having a different experience?
Living from the Heart is Natural. Living from the Mind is Normal
I remember the day, in November 2011 when I told my family about my cycling accident, where my skull crashed the pavement. It was about a week after the accident. I told them I never went to the hospital, I simply tuned in to the healing streams with my dear friends, and my three inch contusion disappeared in hours.
It was like I was talking to a wall. They immediately started to talk ask questions about the hockey game. When I drew attention to the fact that they just disregarded what I said, they agreed, and kept talking.
I realized then that this was way too far fetched for them. They couldn't even imagine that this could occur. It was easier for them to ignore or call me crazy.
I had now experienced a "New Normal" and they were still in "Normal."
Which one of us was "right?" BOTH...from our perspectives.
This is where the world is moving towards. Respecting that everyone can have a different opinion, experience, and it will all work out. "HOW" is the mind's loop.
The Heart, the pulse of YOUR inner guidance has your answer.
As each person takes the time, to look within their own hearts, they will discover the ideas that their mind has been holding onto and keeping them captive.
As they transform, moving from their mind, to the new operating system, the heart, it is considered an awakening. It's a whole new world, and I believe everyone can have their Best Whole New World.
Let's stop pointing a finger at the other person.
Let's start noticing the three fingers pointing back at ourselves.
If you need some mentoring to kick start you living from the heart and trusting your inner guidance, then join me on the 5 day experience to be Calm, Centred and Trust YOUR Intuition. It's a fab value as I included three 1:1 mentoring calls to ensure you are reset and ready to fly.
Calm, Centred and Trust YOUR Intuition
You can also grab a copy of my book, Trusting your Intuition - Discover your Superpower in 10 days. Buy some for your friends, and do the self study work together as we have the time to go within and free ourselves.
Thanks for buying on Kindle or Paperback!
Lastly, you can listen to Katie and I on the Inside Out Wellness podcast, where she helps women move into greater levels of health with their own unique plan designed in joy for them.
Listen on Apple. Listen on Spotify
This is your time to choose. I've given you three choices here, and everyday you have infinite choices available, BUT I bet you are letting your subconscious mind continue to show you a very limited perspective, correct?
Are you ready to transform the perceived reality around you, or are you still liking the dream that your mind has created so well for you?
Healing is all an inside job, and it's a rock solid transformation!
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