The Great Reset is Within You


The journey from the mind to the heart can be the longest one ever endured by you. It is a journey within YOU. You are the only witness to all your experiences.

It's the Road Less Travelled like in Robert Frost's poem, and the one that fits the Pareto principle: the 80/20 rule.  Twenty percent of the people do eighty percent of the work.  

The vision that I given to express into the world June 2017:

One billion people healed from the inside out, trusting their inner guidance, and enjoying the journey to their heart's desires.  

Everyone is living in their best whole new world.

One billion seemed like a lot back in 2017 when many were working on visions and goals of one million, yet I seeded it and watched it multiply! 

Twenty percent of eight billion people on the planet is one billion, isn't it?
Twenty percent are saying NO to the jab.

Twenty percent trust their inner guidance, intuition, wisdom.
Twenty percent have done a lot of healing already and know health never comes from a jab.

Where are you with your choice?  

Road less travelled like the 20%, or the road where the 80% are going under the influence?

Are you ready to embrace this transformation and great reset of your heart to a life of joy, health, peace, love and wealth?

No one can shelter you from the thoughts that enter your mind.  The ones you entertain.  The ones you repeat and regurgitate habitually as educated and trained.  

Coming to terms with the harms and trespasses that you have inflicted on others is a place most people avoid going in their mind.  They have habits to deflect, defend and defer, like a lawyer in a court room.

The training has been to blame others for being different than you expect them to behave.  Pointing a finger at the problem and expecting someone else to fix it or pay for it.

Does this sound like "The Golden Rule: Love another like yourself?"

This is the Great Reset that is happening...from mind to heart, from self to community, from limitation to abundance, from sickness to health, from reliance on experts to trusting your own inner wisdom, and so much more!

Each man and woman has been given the opportunity to take a look at what is normal, new normal, and natural since March 2020.

Are you blaming, shaming, guilting, judging and justifying your reactions as valid and making others wrong?

Or is everything being revealed to you like in a home renovation where you strip down the walls to the studs, and discover there are some structural issues that have been camouflaged or covered up previously and now revealed?  

Now you can co create a more magnificent vision and all will be taken care of as you trust abundance?

The Great Reset is occuring in each one of us as our heart's are opening to a whole new way of being.  This is where the LAW - Love Always Wins - is lighting up the planet as hearts are being activated everywhere.

Hence why many heart related and blood issues are occurring, as each soul's body is having to adapt to the reset from the educated mind, trained ego to a free flowing, surrendering and loving heart.

There is so much joy, health, peace, love, and wealth being pumped into this world today and every day by the 20% who are here for this very moment in time.  

If you would like to join us at Heart Walkers, and embrace this beautiful transformation within yourself, like caterpillar to butterfly, then please  Join us Heart Walkers and be supported by others Meet IN and Love IN by Walk IN in LOVE.


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