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What if 2020 is Working for YOU?

#2020 #einstein #imagine #joy #positive #story Oct 26, 2020
Full Moon Oct 31 || Blue Moon || Uranus shifting focus to JOY

What's Your STORY?

Do you remember learning how to write a report in school by asking questions?

What if your assignment is to write a story about, "How has 2020 worked for you, your family, and the planet?"  

Take some time to be with what everyone has learned this year that has been beneficial.  

Notice how a new normal has brought some gifts and blessings.

Do your research to discover the positive impacts on our planet and the raising of consciousness.


Imagine that your story is what is leading the news each night.  

Imagine if everyone was inspired by your story and a ripple effect began.  People started to share an uplifting, joyful moment in conversation with another person.

Imagine if that's what we focused on and it went viral.  A story for our greater good.

When each of us allows our imagination to come up with new ideas, new  solutions are presented.

If we keep listening to the same story, the same song, the same dismal broadcast all the time, what do you think happens?

Einstein said, "We can't solve today's problems with the same thinking that created them."

Transformation does cause break downs.  Illness does happen.  Things do shift.  People do die.  These are constant all over the world.

Consider that we are having a global healing crisis ... instead of a pandemic.

The healing happens from the inside out.  Differently for each person on the planet.  Wounds, pains, hurt, anger, shame, blame, guilt, obedience, victimization, authoritarianism, human rights etc all come into question.

We have perfect vision into our past, and now what do we wish to create in our future.

The question is what do you want your world to be like in the decades ahead?  The same old, same old, out dated, archaic colonial structures of pyramidal authority? Or do you want it to be different?A world filled with love and respect for each other's diversities and uniqueness?

A world filled with joy, music, art, dance, creativity abounding on many levels?

A world that coexists with nature and we are grateful for it nurturing us.

A world where we are in awe of how amazing each one of us is and that we can live in peace.

Stop your mind from wondering how would we even get there or thinking that will never happen. Remember Einstein's quote above.

Most people could never have imagined many of the innovations that have taken place in our world or even how 2020 has occurred. 

So stop and do the assignment.  Allow yourself to open your heart and write the story of how 2020 is benefiting you, your family and the world.

Allow yourself to dream that it could be the beginning of a whole new world....your Best Whole New World!

Focus on YOUR heart's desires. 

This is your story about how 2020 is benefiting the world.  What are you creating?  It's all in your hands.  


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