More about Frederick

I love to help people know themselves on a deeper level.

I love helping people answer the question you know who am I and what do I want and what's my purpose?

I think who am I is the most important question in the world. I think the answer to that question is  forever developing so you can always go deeper into knowing yourself.

When I say knowing yourself, I always think about it from the perspective of the spirit, the mind, the body and the emotions, the four aspect of the self

What's my purpose? What am I here for? Why did I choose to come to earth?

I help people remember all this!  This is what I really love to do.

Often times to get to that deeper knowing there's there's healing work that needs to happen because there's there's things that  have kind of happened in our life.

There's conditioning.t
There's beliefs that that we've taken on
There's trauma that may have happened
So often you have to go through this these layers of  life experience to get to that deeper who am I place of you. To know what am I here for and what's my purpose?
What do I wanna do with my life?
I guide people through that process


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