Integrated Consciousness 

I can not fix anyone even if I thought I had to. Two reasons no one is broken and I am of equal standing to everyone.  This means if I see you as broken so am I.

I see myself on a evolutionary path.  Just as everyone else is.  Its not a path of healing.  It’s a path of remembering who I AM… and that can result in healing.

I have given an opportunity to be able to stand beside people and watch them have a moment of clarity. A moment, quite possibly, for the first time in their lives  when they feel free from all the trappings of this world. Years of suffering can be dissolved, physically, mentally and spiritually, in just a few minutes.

When the time is right it has changed some to the very core of their being. And some have had healings beyond their imagination.

Integrated consciences is what I call it.

There is one thing I will ask, close your eyes and ask “should I come to see Greg” if the answer is yes then commit to it and if the answer s no then commit to that. Your whole live is in you and all around you… Its can be effortless peaceful and beyond everything you now know to be true.

What you do next is up to you.


Suggested donation for a session is $55. If you are financially limited, you can contribute forward or contribute an abundantl donation of $135 or more for the session.

 I am also open to doing groups of 10 to 20 people. The experience  would last about 45 - 90 mins.

Thank you for choosing this moment in time to be here!


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